This is an annual Golf Tournament held in conjunction with TechNet Asia-Pacific Exposition to raise money for Scholarships. The tournament title has changed to honor the late Mel Ing that organized this tournament for many years. The Armed Forces Communications and Electronic Association Hawaii Educational Foundation (AHEF) and Navy League Honolulu have teamed up together to host this tournament and look forward to your participation. Contact EB Lawson, (808) 535-3444, email:; Jane Ferreira at (808) 479-4705, email:; Linda Newton, email:; or Joy Hess (808) 836-9253, email:
We have teamed with Dixon Golf to make this event more exciting
Click here to watch the Dixon Golf Video.
( When you see the video the Dixon Challenge is not available in Hawaii yet but the Aurelius driver challenge is and the New $20000 Legend Challenge.)
As a recap here is what we can offer.
Dixon Golf is excited about being a part of your golf event in 2017.
Dixon Golf, makers of the world’s first high performance, eco-friendly golf ball, is pioneering a nationwide effort to reduce the 300 million golf balls deposited in landfills every year. In order to market this cause and the Dixon product, we sponsor charity golf events throughout the year. We are proud to have provided the Dixon Challenge for thousands of tournaments across the entire country, raising more than $1.5 million for tournament beneficiaries. Furthermore, we have presented prizes and gifts to tournament participants in excess of one million dollars.
Below is a breakdown of what Dixon Golf will provide specifically for your Golf Tournament. Also, attached are some flyers, the Logo Ball Sponsorship has been a great success in helping raise extra funds at many golf tournaments.
First, we will bring you a sponsorship certificate for you to present to one of your golfers.
The Gift Certificate
Dixon Amateur Endorsement is to be given to one player as a door prize, raffle prize, closest to the pin prize, or however you want to use it. This prize includes:
· A dozen Dixon Earth golf balls ($40 value)
· A Dixon Golf hat made from eco-friendly bamboo ($30 value)
· 50% discount for all merchandise purchases from for an entire year
The Aurelius Driver Challenge
We will also provide your tournament with the Aurelius Driver Challenge. The Driver Challenge is located on a par 5 hole and is beautifully designed to reward any skill level, unlike most long-drive holes where only the strongest hitter wins.
· Dixon Golf will donate one $350 custom Aurelius Driver to be given out by a raffle. Each participant will get two tickets for the raffle.
· It is an optional $20 donation to play in this Challenge.
· Each participant gets a mulligan at the tee box. Their first hit is with their club and their mulligan is with the Aurelius driver.
· Hula-hoops will be placed between 150 yards and 300 yards from the tee box. If either of the two tee shots lands in a hula-hoop, the donor will receive a certificate to get a custom $350 Aurelius Driver for free.
· If the entire group participates they will get to improve their lie on the hole and shoot their tee shot from a special 100-yard tee box. If the participating golfer makes a Hole-In-One from 100 yards out, they will win a chance at a million dollars at the finals of the Fiesta Bowl Million Dollar Hole-in-One Challenge.
· Each participating donor will receive multiple gift certificates, including a one year free subscription to Golf Digest,
Dixon Golf will send your organization a check for the net proceeds (30% of the gross proceeds) raised from this Driver Challenge.
- We draw 4 winners who will participate in The Legend Shootout
- Each winner will have a shot at hitting a hole-in-one
- If they hit a hole-in-one, they win $10,000 and your charity gets $10,000
- Four golfers get a chance to win $10,000
- The charity gets 4 chances to win $10,000
- Each player receives a voucher for a free prize
- We cover the giveaways
- We cover the hole-in-one insurance
- The charity receives the net proceeds from the raffle
- All at no extra cost to you!
Dixon Golf will supply the manpower, equipment and all the gifts/prizes to ensure the Challenges are a success. We have partnered with both local and national companies who are equally enthusiastic about acknowledging and rewarding golfers for their time and energy in supporting your golf tournament.
As a sponsored event, you are also able to purchase logo golf balls from Dixon Golf for your event at wholesale price with no set-up charges and no printing fees. You can get the Wind ball for just $13.95 per dozen. If you are interested in purchasing logo balls for your event, just let me know.
As additional incentives, we have negotiated some free tee signs for you from Birdie Media for event signage. Just tell them you are a Dixon sponsored event when you call.
We invite you to visit our website, visit us on Facebook at