Ho’okupu-Icon The AFCEA Hawaii Educational Foundation logo is the Ho’okupu. It is often recognized as an offering or a gift. It is a physical contribution of an individual or group request for acknowledgment from a source. Ho`okupu is used to ensure growth, increase mana(knowledge) or cause to sprout.

AFCEA Hawaii Educational Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is committed to supporting Hawaii students and teachers by providing scholarships, grants, and awards. The AFCEA Hawaii Educational Foundation works together with the AFCEA Hawaii membership and the community at large, both private, public and academia, to increase the investment in education in Hawaii.





Choose An Amount
General Scholarship Donation
Honorable mention on the AFCEA Hawaii Educational Foundation Facebook Page.
Honorable mention status on the AFCEA Hawaii Educational Foundation Website Scholarship Donation Page and Social Media Facebook page.
Bronze Donor Status on the AFCEA Hawaii Educational Foundation Website Scholarship Donation Page and Social Media Facebook page.
Silver Donor Status on the AFCEA Hawaii Educational Foundation Website Scholarship Donation Page and Social Media Facebook page.
Gold Donor Status on the AFCEA Hawaii Educational Foundation Website Scholarship Donation Page and Social Media Facebook page.
Platinum on the AFCEA Hawaii Educational Foundation Website Scholarship Donation Page and Social Media Facebook page.
Named Scholarship! AFCEA Hawaii will create a unique scholarship in your name. You will also be listed as one of our Platinum donors on the AFCEA Hawaii Educational Foundation Website Scholarship Donation Page and Social Media Facebook page.
The AFCEA Hawaii Educational Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. PO Box 31156 Honolulu, Hawaii 96820

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